Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fail of the Week price goes to Australian submarine fleet.

I found these videos from Hungry Beast, which is an Australian show, that airs on the local ABC network.

Fail of the Week price goes to Australian submarine fleet.

Behold the twelve most expensive mistakes ever made. Problems, that the submarines has,  is beoynd me. Torpedos that can't fit in the firing tubes, periscopes that can't be raised without making loud noises and  combat systems, that doesn't work. The HMNS COLLINS was missing it's whole combat system and part of it was made of wood painted black, when it was launched back in 1993.

This is how you win wars!


 The Great Firewall of China.

Chinas Interwebs censorship program is the largest in the world. It employs over 30,000 web po-po's to monitor the Internet behivior of Chinas citizens and stopping them accessing sites like Amnesty International, Wikipedia and sites that write about police brutality.

Good luck trying to view porn! 

Do you think that Christian pedofilia is only the plague of the 21st century?

Wrong, it actually goes back two thousand years. Thats fucked up, right?


  1. The piece about china is very interesting, I liked it :D

    Keep up the blogging =)

  2. INteresting videos, kept me hooked.

  3. Such a huge problem for China to have their people informed!

  4. I knew that about pedophilia; mind you, in ancient Rome and Greece, it wasn't considered perverted at all. In fact, famous people like Socrates would speak to their audience while gently stroking a young boy.

    The more you know ;)

  5. That's mad about China. So glad I don't live there.

  6. I found the third video most impressive. Very instructive post in general.

  7. Australia need to get on their game with those submarines.

  8. why would Australia want to build more submarines that would cost billions, there not in a war, besides they don't have major resources any other country would want to take...... why with the major pump of money with armed defense?!?!?!? >.>

  9. Those Australian submarines, lol. They should probably just buy some old German U-boats.

  10. Can't go to China if I can't google my daily asian p*ssy. :(

  11. Wow, while I want to say that is pretty dumb of Australia. I don't think I can talk with my country doing so much stupid shit

  12. That one about China was interesting. Like wtf..... I didn't realise that it was THAT bad.

  13. interesting but somehow sad videos

  14. there are happening crazy things...


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I really liked the style of those videos, but I knew about China and the Catholic church.

  17. So, do we have any update on this matter? I'd like some closure myself, to be honest. Please make a post concerning the matter once you know more!

  18. they better inverst in things like their school system

  19. Awesome. There needs to be more of these videos.

  20. australians are retarded LOL + followed

  21. Australia doesnt have any problems with people around the world anyway, and no one is crazy enough to try and invade them, as well as the kick ass Australians to deal with, theres gonna be deadly deadly animals.

  22. With whom Asutralia is in a fight? So it doesn't care, does it? :D

  23. i knew the christian-catholic stuff. i mean, this guys got so much dirt on their shoes, its a wonder they even manage to walk

  24. I love these kinds of videos! Yet, the Australians might not like it haha

  25. poor china that sucks. nice finds you got here ;]

  26. Damn chinesse communists i hate how in this day an age theres still censorship of this caliber.

  27. The Chinese government seems like the bad guy of our planet. Their crimes against their own society and Tibet are terrible, and their economic actions will doom us all.

    Or maybe that's just western propaganda speaking through me?

  28. why sumbarines? Spend the money on education..

  29. Can't even imagine Australian military lol.
